What Do You Want to be the Next Time You Grow Up?

When I left my beloved teaching career to follow my heart into an entrepreneurial adventure, I never guessed the skills I honed in the classroom would so deeply serve me in building an online business. (Actually three online businesses, but who’s counting?)

I jumped into the crafting of my business with the same tenacity I jump into everything I do. I read all the books. I studied with all the experts. I became very good at trying on formulas and perusing prescriptions. I even started writing things like,

“Seven Secrets to a…” and

“Everything You Need to Know About…”

Pretty soon I discovered there is no one-size-fits-all approach to entrepreneurial success. No ‘everything you need to know’ business-in-a-box success manual. In fact, many of the systems I studied in my entrepreneurial journey resembled the one-size-fits-all formulas I rejected throughout my teaching career.

Just like children have their own unique learning styles, we too have unique ways of experiencing and responding to the world. I found myself asking questions like, “How does this business model serve ME?

Does it light me up?

Or does it leave me feeling a little skeptical? Chances are if I’m feeling a little skeptical, others are too.

It wasn’t until I got really brave and tucked away all of the business building books, formulas and plans and took a loving look at what I really wanted to be the next time I grew up, that my business began to flourish.

I took a sabbatical. No more business building programs.

I took a deep look at my callings. (Yes, there are many. It’s okay to be multi-passionate.)

I embraced the words: I am enough.

And I started working in my business rather than on it.

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5 Responses to What Do You Want to be the Next Time You Grow Up?

  1. Rick Pickett July 31, 2013 at 7:02 pm #

    Sue Ann, thank you for sharing! I love the poetic treatment for your inspiring words!

  2. Lisa Jemus July 31, 2013 at 7:20 pm #

    Sue Ann, we are so alike, I am a learner as well, and since I am at the very very beginning of this journey (meaning my coach training starts in one month), I soooo needed to read this today! I have tried other businesses, MLM’s, and dog training, none of which fed my soul. I love your new site, and am drawn to all you have to say. Well done!

  3. Tiger Danky July 31, 2013 at 7:22 pm #

    Great article, Sue Ann! I love the encouragement for just diving in and being your business, not apart from it.

  4. Lisa Jemus July 31, 2013 at 7:24 pm #

    Sue Ann, we are so alike, I am a learner as well, and since I am at the very very beginning of this journey (meaning my coach training starts in one month), I soooo needed to read this today! I have tried other businesses, MLM’s, and dog training, none of which fed my soul. I love your new site, and am drawn to all you have to say. Well done!

    • Sue Ann Gleason August 30, 2013 at 3:36 pm #

      Hello Lisa! I am so sorry I did not see this message sooner. I am still getting used to the back end of my new website and I forget I have to “approve” the comments on this one. Thank you so much for stopping by and good luck on your coach training journey. I know you will be an awesome coach. You listen deeply. To yourself and to others.