(90-minute call + 30-minute follow up)
How great would it be to know, in a deep root kind of way, that you are designing a business that lights you up AND pays the bills each month?
Who (That’s you!)
Perhaps you’ve been in business for a while but you’ve reached a plateau and you’re a little perplexed about where to put your energy. Programs, services, info-products, speaking engagements, social media, perhaps even a book.
You might be a health practitioner who wants to grow an online presence to expand your reach, make a name for yourself, or better serve your patients with a ‘membership’ component.
Or, maybe you’re feeling a little perplexed because your business hasn’t grown bigger and bolder or at least as auspiciously as those all around you.
It could just be that you have an abundance of ideas floating around in your head (and as many letters after your name) but you’ve never given yourself the gift of a competent coach (that’s me!) to help you sort it all out and make sure those ideas find their way into an organized plan with profitable potential.
How (it works)
A deep root strategy session may be just what you need to take the next leap in your entrepreneurial life. It begins with a detailed questionnaire that you fill out and return to me at least 48 hours before our call. In it, you tell me about your hopes and dreams and all the things you’ve accomplished in life and on your entrepreneurial path. You identify one or two goals you most want to explore during our session and the outcomes you’d like to achieve. I spend time with that intake form before we meet so that I can feel my way into your business and your process.
Then, we carve out a morning to co-create. A week to ten days later we meet again (over tea & chocolate) for a follow up chat.
Just you (enthusiastic, open, & eager) and me (creative catalyst & champion of your success).
What (you’ll walk away with)
- Confidence in your process
- Deep Root knowledge that the direction you’re taking is in alignment with your values
- Clear, actionable steps & structures to help you complete the project you most want to tackle
For example, you may want to:
- Construct a plan to freshen up an outdated website
- Outline a social media action plan
- Design the framework for a teleclass series
- Elevate your online presence
- Write that ever-elusive ‘story’ as in ‘my story’
Qualifications & Superpowers (why me)
Award-Winning Teacher: I’ve been blessed with a gift for supporting green and growing learners, both children and adults. I know how to process, integrate and deliver information in ways that empower women (and a few enlightened men) to become their own best guru so that they can stop looking for ‘outside in’ approaches and lean into their own brilliance.
I’ve built a highly successful online business employing ethical marketing principles, predicting patterns (like when a trend is a ‘keeper’ and when I need to course correct) and giving myself permission to rest, restore and create the next evolution of my beautifully complex (business) life. I can help you do the same.
The content in our session will be relevant and rich, individualized and important. The investment for this level of support is $597
We’ll get along famously if you:
- are intellectually curious
- love to laugh
- enjoy looking at your business and your life from new angles
- believe that your career can be as nourishing and delicious as chocolate
- are ready for a fresh perspective and maybe even a little nudge
Ready to dive in?
Book your strategy session below and I’ll send you a detailed questionnaire to fill out.
Then, we’ll carve out a morning to co-create with
a follow-up call in a week to ten days.
Kind Words

For years I’d been searching and searching for my thing, something I could package and sell to the world in the form of an information product. With amazing grace, Sue Ann uncovered a sparkly diamond that was right there in front of me the whole time, so close I couldn’t even see it.”
Sue Ann isn’t kidding when she says she specializes in “diamonds in the rough.” For years I’d been searching and searching for my “thing,” something I could package and sell to the world in the form of an information product. Seriously. I had just about given up and was about to start a business selling physical products, not my ideal business model. Then, Sue Ann dropped a tiny but potent spark in my inbox. A suggestion for an online course. The spark quickly grew into a fire after several emails back and forth between the two of us. Ideas and insights flew from her mind like fireworks. With amazing grace, she uncovered a sparkly diamond that was right there in front of me the whole time, so close I couldn’t even see it: “The Tech Husband”.
Sue Ann’s support and inspiration have been such a gift as I embark on this journey, packaging up knowledge and years of technological experience that will help so many people in their entrepreneurial paths.
Forest Linden | techhusband.com

In working with Sue Ann, I went from being a shy communicator to a fully empowered speaker on the day of my video shoot. Even the video team was impressed with my script. Sue Ann helped me win and OWN my copy. She raises copywriting and editing to an art form.”
Before contacting Sue Ann, I was completely overwhelmed and stressed. My creativity level was down to zero and I had less than a week to complete the script for the welcome video on my new website. I was petrified at the mere thought of editing that script. What if it didn’t make an impact? What if it didn’t convey the message I was so badly hoping to convey?
In addition to her refined and deeply transformational writing style, Sue Ann has qualities that I deeply appreciate and rarely find in a business coach. Deep empathy combined with high levels of creativity and integrity. She has a unique way of nudging you softly through your struggles and holding your hand as you find the solution. Co-creating with her is a unique experience.
I always knew that I would work with Sue Ann some day, It wasn’t a question of “if,” but a question of “when.” I can’t wait to embark on our next adventure: revamping my website copy! Working with Sue Ann is a beautiful journey that I’m eager to continue.
Nadine N. Bone | nadinenbone.com

Wow! I’m just blown away by how much I got out of our Deep Root Inquiry Session! I went in thinking perhaps you’d help me hash out my catalog of offerings for the coming year, but what I came away with was so much richer and more nuanced, getting right to the heart of what my brand is all about, and shining a gentle light on my blind spots around it. You were like a dowser, honing right in on some very concrete changes I could make to dramatically improve both my website and my newsletter, to better connect with my audience and to showcase the superpowers that attract people to me in the first place.
I was so impressed with the comprehensive questionnaire you sent me prior to our call, to your attention to detail, and the ease and grace with which you communicate. I will wholeheartedly recommend you to anyone looking for business strategy help.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Melissa Dinwiddie | melissadinwiddie.com

Sue Ann swept in with total grace to help me put the finishing touches on a critical piece of work, a self-guided workshop. As someone who is super protective of my brand, my voice, and my sphere of influence, I felt fully supported, totally seen, and ‘held’ as she helped me sharpen and polish my creation. What more could I ask for? Nothing. She embodied a truly co-creative role without steamrolling my vision or my voice. She nurtured and refined my vision. My appreciation for her nuanced, poised, generous and responsive nature is boundless. Sue Ann: thank you, thank you, thank you for investing your time and your heart in my project, MY voice, and my vision. The world needs MORE business whisperers like you!
Sarah Nicotra | sarahhnicotra.com
Ready to dive in?
Book your strategy session below and I’ll send you a detailed questionnaire to fill out. Then, we’ll carve out a morning to co-create with a follow-up call in a week to ten days. $597